Windows 10 Activator - Clean
# Auto Renewal:
To install this solution for auto renewal activation, run these scripts respectively:
install/uninstall the Patcher Hook.
activate installed supported products (you must run it at least once).
you may need to run it again if you installed Office product afterwards.
# Manual:
To only activate without installing and without renewal, run this script only:
you will need to run it again before the activation period expire (6 months by default).
# Online KMS:
You may use Activate-Local.cmd for online activation,
if you have valid/trusted KMS host server.
- open/edit Activate-Local.cmd with Notepad
- change KMS_IP= to IP or the address of online KMS server
- change Online=0 from zero 0 to 1
- save the script, and run it as administrator
# Setup Preactivate:
- To preactivate the system during installation, copy $oem$ to "sources" folder in the installation media (iso/usb)
- If you already use another setupcomplete.cmd, rename this one to KMS_VL_ALL.cmd or similar name
then add a command to run it in your setupcomplete.cmd, example:
call KMS_VL_ALL.cmd
- Use SppExtComObjPatcher.cmd if you want to uninstall the project afterwards.
- Note: setupcomplete.cmd is disabled if the default installed key for the edition is OEM Channel
# Remarks:
- Some security programs will report infected files, that is false-positive due KMS emulating.
- Remove any other KMS solutions. Temporary turn off AV security protection. Run as administrator.
- If you installed the solution for auto renewal, exclude these two files in AV security protection:
# Debug:
If the activation failed, you may run the debug mode to help determining the reason
move SppExtComObjPatcher-kms folder to a short path
with Notepad open/edit KMS_VL_ALL.cmd
change the zero 0 to 1 in set _Debug=0
save the script, and run it as administrator
wait until cmd window is closed and KMS_VL_ALL_Debug.log is created
then upload or copy/post the log file
Note: this will auto remove SppExtComObjPatcher if it was installed
# Fix Tip:
If you having activation errors, try to rebuild licensing Tokens.dat as suggested:
launch command prompt as admin and execute these commands respectively:
net stop sppsvc
ren %windir%\System32\spp\store\2.0\tokens.dat
net start sppsvc
cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rilc
then restart the system
afterwards, run KMS_VL_ALL.cmd or Activate-Local.cmd
# Supported Volume Products:
Windows 7/8/8.1/10
Windows Server 2008R2/2012/2012R2/2016/2019
Office 2010/2013/2016/2019
# Credits:
qad - SppExtComObjPatcher
MasterDisaster - initial script / WMI methods
NormieLyfe - optimize code, categorized GVLKs
Nucleus - special assistance
Enthousiast - special assistance
rpo - special assistance
qewpal - KMS-VL-ALL author
abbodi1406 - KMS_VL_ALL-SppExtComObjPatcher-kms author
Password : auffQlate
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